Monday, October 5, 2015

As mobile devices go mainstream in business communication, they create new writing challenges for professionals at all levels. The need to write clear and compelling messages is as strong as ever, but now these messages need to be crafted for an increasingly mobile audience. The latest editions from Bovée and Thill are the first major business communication textbooks to address this shift in the business environment, and they offer in-depth advice and practice opportunities for students. Coverage of mobile communication challenges is woven throughout these new editions to help students apply the concepts of effective communication to the full range of contemporary business situations. A set of annotated model documents, for example, illustrates the challenges of using conventional writing approaches in a mobile environment. Students can clearly see that a writing approach that works well in print or on full screens creates a host of problems for mobile readers. In addition to emphasizing tight, linear writing, the Bovée and Thill texts offer essential advice for designing and formatting mobile messages. Students will see the difference these design choices make for reading comprehension and audience satisfaction. Mobile presents challenges, but it also creates exciting opportunities for entrepreneurs, managers, and others who need to connect with mobile audiences. Bovée and Thill help students adapt their personal experience with smartphones and tablets to the fast-moving world of mobile business. The latest editions of Bovee and Thill’s textbooks will give your students ample opportunity to develop writing skills for the mobile business environment. New features include • Two dozen model documents, photos, and screenshots that illustrate mobile communication concepts • New end-of-chapter questions and activities that focus on mobile communication • And a selection of communication cases that challenge students to craft messages for mobile devices To learn more, visit the Bovée and Thill website, where you can request examination copies and read a variety of articles on mobile communication and other leading-edge topics. Also, check out Bovee & Thill’s online magazine: How the Mobile Revolution Is Changing Business Communication. You’ll find a link to it on Bovee & Thill’s Business Communication Blog under “Bovee & Thill’s Online Magazines.” Your students are racing toward a mobile future. Don’t let an obsolete textbook hold them back. Importantly, keep in mind that you’ll only find mobile business communication in Bovee and Thill’s business communication textbooks. Yo order an examination copy of a Bovee and Thill textbook, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw... For a wealth of business communication resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw..


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Freelance writer with a big dream to get published one day. This is at least 3 books waiting to get out of my brain. Words are my life. Oh… and shoes.

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