Friday, September 30, 2016

Middlesex County Chamber Hosts Business to Business Expo

... Communicating in the Digital Age, will provide best practices for tapping one's personal and leadership capabilities around the communication of digital social media, written communication, such as business writing and blogs; personal branding ...

In business even the biggest companies don't always get it right. Things move very fast in the business world and we're all operating in a very fluid, and volatile, environment. While it's easy, in hindsight, to be critical of the blunders that even the most powerful organization in the world fall prey to, it's important […]
              & Company (press release) (blog)

Gaido's Shrimp Still an Island Favorite & Company (press release) (blog)

A member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW), he specializes in travel, feature and business writing and is the author (main contributor) of the Dorling Kindersley EYEWITNESS TRAVEL GUIDE TO PHILADELPHIA AND THE PENNSYLVANIA ...

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Freelance writer with a big dream to get published one day. This is at least 3 books waiting to get out of my brain. Words are my life. Oh… and shoes.

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